What Happens When Brands Take Values Seriously



· 4 min read
Synergistic Marketing POV

A company’s organizational values set a clear direction and guide every business decision, strategy, and action. No company, big or small, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it. If you think this is all “check-the-box fluff,” try telling that to Tony’s Chocolonely, a Dutch chocolate brand you’ve probably seen everywhere from Fresh Market to Target and Walmart.

Founded about 15 years ago, they set themselves on a mission to sell 100% child labor-free chocolate, despite a West African commodity supply chain that frequently cultivates raw cocoa from middlemen using farmers that illegally exploit children living below the poverty line – including forced labor in some instances.

Tony’s brought its supply chain partners together to create an altogether new paradigm in which all actors take responsibility for social impact. And it is really working. Today, Tony’s profitably sells around $130 million worth of slavery-free chocolate bars in Western Europe and the U.S. [LINK]

In addition to being crazy about chocolate and their eagerness to always raise the bar, Tony’s gets serious when it comes to people, and their culture is about four core values: being outspoken, willful, entrepreneurial, and making people smile.

“Outspoken” and “Willful” could be a turn-off for some, but in Tony’s case it proves that for a values statement to be authentic, it doesn’t have to sound like it belongs on a Hallmark card. Indeed, some of the most values-driven companies adhere to tough, if not downright controversial, values.

Siebel Systems, for instance, adheres to a set of authentic values that flagrantly counter the culture of Silicon Valley, where the company is headquartered. Professionalism, which tops Siebel’s list of values, sets it apart from the frivolous cultures of many technology companies where pizza boxes, foosball tables, and sandals are de rigeur.

Siebel’s employees are barred from eating at their desks or decorating their walls with more than one or two photographs. As unacceptable as this may seem within Silicon Valley’s playground-like corridors, it distinguishes Siebel from competitors and gives prospective and current employees a clear understanding that to succeed, they must act professionally at all times.

Bottom Line: Given all the hard work that goes into developing and implementing a solid values system, most companies would probably prefer not to bother. And indeed they shouldn’t, because poorly implemented values can poison a company’s culture.

Make no mistake: Living by stated corporate values is difficult. After all, it’s much harder to be clear and unapologetic for what you stand for than to cave in to societal pressures. And for organizations trying to repair the damage caused by a previously bad values program, the work is even harder.

But if you are willing to devote your time and energy to creating an authentic values statement, the resulting values will stand your company in far better stead than those who simply check-the-box.

By connecting with your employees on a deeper level and making them feel invested in your company’s values, you can create a culture where everyone is working together towards a shared vision. This fosters a sense of community and leads to increased loyalty and commitment to the organization.

At Synergistic, we consider organizational values one of the key growth engines – because when your employees are aligned with your organizational values, they are more likely to work harder, be more productive, and help drive the company’s success.

We can help put your marketing (and growth!) into overdrive because anything less results in leaving money on the table.

To learn more about putting authentic organizational values at the core of your growth strategy, reach out today – we can’t wait to hear more about you and your business goals.


About Synergistic

Synergistic is a fully integrated marketing + media partner built to deliver business + brand growth by driving synergy between solutions + sales.